Kalasa (Kannada: ಕಳಸ) is a holy temple-town located in Chickmagalur district in Karnataka. Kalasa is home to the Kalaseshwara Temple dedicated to Lord Shiva. Kalasa lies 92 Kilometres South-west of Chickmagalur and is located on the banks of the Bhadra River.
Origins and Etymology
The origins of Kalasa are traceable to Mythology. Although unsubstantiated, local myths attribute the origin of Kalasa to an event mentioned found in the Skanda Purana.
Accordingly, the wedding of Lord Shiva and Parvathi in Varanasi caused a shift in the Earth's rotation because of the attendance of all Gods and Goddesses. To restore the Earth's balance, Lord Shiva requested Sage Agasthya to travel South. Agasthya however, expressed his wish to witness the wedding. Lord Shiva assured to grant divine vision to the sage, which would enable him to witness the wedding from any part of the world.
Agasthya travelled southward and resided in Kalasa from where he watched the wedding. Local legends state that a pilgrimage to Kalasa brings greater religious merit (punya) than a visit to Varanasi.
The Girija Kalyana (marriage of Lord Shiva and Parvathi) is celebrated in Kalasa every year to commemorate this tradition.
Other legends also state that Sage Vasishta had lived in a hermitage near Kalasa as also the Skanda Dwaya.
The word Kalasa is a corruption of the Sanskrit root, Kalasha, which means a waterpot or jug. In the context of Hindu temple architecture, every temple should have a round pinnacle placed at the top, known as the Kalasha.
Geographically, Kalasa is surrounded by the Bhadra river on three sides with the Duggappana Katte hill at the South. Viewed from an altitude, the town resembles a pot, hence the name. The Kalaseshwara temple is located at the base of this hill.
Kalasa is chiefly a temple town, and a tourist spot. It is considered a place of pilgrimage by most visitors who arrive in Kalasa to offer their prayers in the Kalaseshwara, and other temples. A typical trip includes visiting Sringeri, Kalasa, and Horanadu, all in the same day.
Kalasa largely has an agricultural economy and heavily depends on the Bhadra river to meet its water needs. Chief produces include a variety of spices, Coffee, and Ayurvedic medicine. Situated in the heart of the Western Ghats, Kalasa enjoys a pleasant climate throughout the year although summers are slightly hot.
Tourist Places
Although Kalasa is pilgrimage spot, it abounds in several tourist attractions such as water spots and of late, private resorts.
The Kalaseshwara temple is the chief temple of the town. It is currently managed by the Government of Karnataka. Kalasa is notable for these temples:
- Kalaseshwara Temple
- Hanuman Temple
- Venkataramana Temple
- Ranjal Mahalakshmi Temple
- Vasishta Ashrama
Pancha Theerthas
Kalasa contains five major water spots, within an approximate distance of 8 Kilometres from the town. Together, these are known as Pancha Theerthas (literally, Five Sacred Waters). Each Theertha is associated with a myth drawn mostly from the Hindu Mythology. People offer worship at these Theerthas as part of their pilgrimage to Kalasa.
- Vasishta Theertha--Named after Sage Vasishta
- Naga Theertha--Named in honour of the Snake God, attributable to Lord Shiva.it is believed bathing here will remove Nagashapa/Nagadosha.
- Koti Theertha--To signify koti Devatha stayed here during first Girja Kalyana celebrated to please Aghsthya.
- Rudra Theertha--Named after Lord Rudra (Shiva)is also called Rudrapada., similar to Vishnupada of Gaya it is believed that offering Pinda during pithru Karya is as auspious to Gaya Shradda
- Amba Theertha-- Named after Goddess Parvati.
- Duggapan Katte-- Peak at which the whole kalasa town can be seen.
Each year, Kalasa celebrates several festivals to mark different events. The date for each festival is decided early in the year based on the Hindu Calendar. A typical practice during each festival is to take out the Utsava Murthy (Procession Idol) of a temple in a procession throughout the town and bring it back to the temple.
Kalasa celebrates these festivals every year:
- Girija Kalyana--To celebrate the wedding of Lord Shiva and Parvathi. It starts amavasya to harihara hunnime. kalayana mahosava is performed by three family who came with agastya muni from kasi. The names of three family is hoskere,mavinakere and kunikere. I am proud to be one of them.
THE GIRIJA KALYANA (The birth of alround beauty)
The sage agastya drank the water of the sea taking it in his palm paved the way for the destruction of kakkaya demon thus benefitting the people on the earth. He strated on the pilgrimage to'kashi'acompanied by his wife,travelled all over aryavarta and was residing in kashi.the vindhya parvatha completed with 'meru' mountain desiring to grow higher than meru agastya nosinig this curbed the growth of the vindhya parvatha and thus gavied the administration of the rishis and gods.his wife lokamudra the celebrated learnt about pativarta dhrama priniciple through the devi"raja putri nama stubhyam rishipathi varenena" "lopa mudriti vikhyate suthage sarvamangale"was the the blessings of devi conferred on the lokamudra
Earth these blessing the couple proceeded to sri saila and these learnt about the great man of kalaseshwara from skanda and were selted peacefully at their "swakshatra"
During the dajshay age parvati learnt about the abuse of her husband,he lord and was hurt in her feeling and ended her life in yogagni when eshwar come to known abou this incident he embraced vairaghya and amended the dakshina murthy from mean while tarykasma who had a vara from bhrama that his end should be only at the hands of paramesheara progeny was weding has power was the there world's and was growing strings.
Gods in turn were looking for the 'kumaraswamy'to be rid of the tarakaswamy.
Lord eshwara consented to marry 'girija' born to himavanta and menakadevi with grace of devi
In due to course 'girija kalyana 'eshwara marrying girija took place and kumarswamy was born to them to make way for his 'tarakasumvadha'with indravathi god could retain their position and live in peace.'girijakalyana' sage agastya star on his his journey with his wife. The god knew that vindhya was growing and felt that any undeterred growth of vindhya mightcome in the way of agastya journey.
So they prayed god visheshwara to relieve the situiation moved by their prayer god visheshwara made his appear and before the agastya couple and told the sage 'oh agastya,proceed to your birth place and i will come to your birth place with all my family member's and bless you with the 'nithya kalyana'there itself.
Also your place of birth 'agastyakshetra' will come to be known as 'dakshina kashi or southern kashi'and will enjoy a slightly higher sanctity more than'kashi' itself in the north with there blessing vishwara vamsha'.he declaned 'vishwasha kaleshwra vasakasi kalesepuri.ganga tunga,bhadra the sathyametana samshaya
As promised to sage agastya on kartika sukla dwadenday sri girija arravied at kalasa and girija kalyana was celebrated in all grand to satisfaction
Giriraja himavan and indira gods. Rishi's and all other present with the family of himavant,the agastya couple felt great to the affection of parameshwara on them and were immensely happy at the celebration. For the celebration of this kalyana the three families came from kashi.They are Hokere,mavinakere and kunikere. We are from Hoskere family staying in kalasa town.
For more info:hoskere.kalasa@gmail.com
- Kalasa Car Festival--The annual car festival or the Rathotsava where the Utsava Murthy (Procession Idol) taken in a procession throughout the town.
- Venkataramana Swamy Temple Car Festival--This is similar to the car festival, where the Procession Idol of Venkataramana Swamy is taken out.
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